Hello world!

I could have taken two perfect jobs in two places that I call home—Northampton, MA and Plymouth, NH. I have had quite a bit of experience and was equipped for both jobs, but I have decided to take a different road and explore very far outside of my comfort zone.

Throughout college I dreamed about studying abroad, but my degree is in Early Childhood Studies and this required several practicums throughout the year, so I never got the chance to study abroad. I made it my goal after graduation to find an opportunity abroad, teaching or not. I searched on several different websites and one day searching on idealist.org, I found a first grade teaching position at the Majuro Cooperative School. This school is located on Majuro, which is the capital of the Marshall Islands.

My first question: where the heck are the Marshall Islands? marshallmarshall2

I did my research and found that the Marshall Islands are located in-between Hawaii and Australia, in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. I went home and told my mom about this opportunity I had found and the next day I sent my resume and cover letter. Two days later I was asked to have a Skype interview with the elementary school principal, the high school principal, and the preschool teacher at Majuro Cooperative School. I was excited, but also very nervous thinking about what was going to happen next.

I kept doing my research about the island and the school, and a week later I was offered the position. I was thrilled, but my anxiety level was (and still is) very high. I was going to a music festival with my friends and took that weekend to think about the opportunity. I made pros and cons lists, I had several conversations with my friends and strangers about the job, and I came to a conclusion. I would take the job. I signed a contract for a two year teaching position in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. majuro


In learning more about the job and what it was going to offer, I found many benefits, besides the obvious new journey and experience. I have my flight there and back paid for at the beginning and end of my contract. I have my own apartment on the beach, paid for. I have an allowance to pay for electric and other appliances. The school has also signed up and paid for all new teachers to attend the Pacific Educational Conference, which is held in Majuro this year. This conference will begin our week long training before school starts on August 5th.


Everything happened so quickly, a month ago I was sending an email about my interest in the job, and now I am packing up to move half way across the world. I leave in a week to embark on this crazy, new adventure. I would not be able to travel this distance or step out of my comfort zone in several different ways if it wasn’t for the ongoing support of my family, friends and colleagues.

One thought on “Hello world!

  1. Hi Molly. Greetings from Beacon Street! The experience you’re embarking on reminds me of my heading out to hitchhike around Africa when I just was leaving college. It was life-changing, and so will be this for you, I believe. Wish you all the best! BTW, given all the twists and turns of life, I’ve ended up becoming a student of religion and culture in non-western worlds, and am connected with people who do that work in the South Pacific.
    All the best,
    Jim Ault
    PS Henry left college to join a startup in San Francisco where he’s now living happily.


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